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The Ad Age 40 Under 40 list recognizes talented individuals who have been responsible for helping to advance a business or a brand at an advertiser, agency, media, tech or marketing company in a demonstrable way within the last 12 months. At a time littered with layoffs, budget cuts and an industry directive to “do more with less,” those proving marketing and advertising are business drivers are even more critical.
This list honors the best of the best: AI artists, savvy social managers, Gen Z geniuses, new-business rainmakers, data scientists and entrepreneurs as well as rising stars in more established companies. Examples might be the brand manager who turned around an ailing business or the creative director who masterminded a campaign that struck a cultural nerve.
Final deadline
The final deadline for nominations is Friday, Aug. 2, 2024 at 5 p.m. EDT. Honorees will be notified in September.
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Ad Age’s 40 Under 40 recognizes talented individuals in the world of media and marketing. A successful candidate is one that is personally responsible for helping to advance the business or the brand in some demonstrable way in the last 12 months. Honorees will be notified in September. The 2024 Ad Age 40 Under 40 list will be published Oct. 21, 2024.
Entry requirements
In 350 words or less, tell us why you believe your entry is a candidate for 40 Under 40. We are looking for people who will be 39 or under on Oct. 21, 2024, and who have made a significant contribution to the worlds of media, advertising or marketing within the last year. We are looking for paradigm breakers, smart thinkers and thought-leaders who are really making a difference and who are tipped to climb company ladders. The goal is to identify the people who are reshaping marketing and making important contributions to a company or business, so please be specific in outlining their accomplishments.
International nominations are accepted.
Please note: Past Ad Age 40 Under 40 honorees, regardless of title or company, are not eligible for entry.
Pricing & Deadline
The program has tiered entry fees:
Regular pricing:
$325 per entry. Ends Monday, June 24, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EDT
Final deadline pricing:
$375 per entry. Deadline Friday, Aug. 2, 2024, at 5 p.m. EDT
There will be no deadline extensions beyond the timeline outlined above.
Please pay strict attention to all the entry requirements as fees are non-refundable once entries are submitted.
This is not a lifetime achievement award; specifically, we look for meaningful or measurable accomplishments within the past 12 months.
International entrants are accepted; all entries must be made in English. No team entries will be accepted. If you have more than one candidate, please submit them as a separate entry.
You’ll also be able to include examples, such as case studies from work, creative pieces (images, videos) or links to product demos. However, these supporting pieces must be from the past 12 months. Please also be judicious with your selections—it’s better to provide a shorter but dense picture of the entrant’s accomplishments than a laundry list.
Ad Age 40 Under 40 nominees do not need to be from a big-name brand; past honorees have come from new startups, small agencies and nonprofits as well as established, heritage brands or organizations.
The industry continues to experience challenges around recruitment and retention, especially with diverse talent. Building a talent pipeline for companies of all types—brands, agencies, media companies and tech players—is more important than ever before, which is why Ad Age will invite the class of 2024 40 Under 40 honorees to participate in a mentorship program.
Questions? Please reach out to the Ad Age awards team at
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Please pay close attention to all the entry requirements as fees are non-refundable once entries are submitted.
Please keep in mind: Anything you submit, including results of the work, may be published. Do not submit anything you wish to withhold as private information or that you do not have permission to share publicly. This also includes ghost campaigns or imaginary or inflated revenue figures.
As part of Ad Age’s diversity efforts, we encourage all those entering to carefully consider those on your team from diverse backgrounds, as well as the work they have done, when you assess submissions. This is an opportunity to shine a light on all your talents, especially those who may have not received recognition in the past.